My dear friends and fellow #winelover-s,

The 7th celebration of the anniversary of #winelover community comes to an end… And what a celebration! 🙏
I just want to say a few words:
1. Thank you so much Ana Sofia de Oliveira for making it happen. You did an amazing job out of organizing one of the best celebrations we ever had. Thanks to you, Madeira (and its wines and place) will be an incredible memory for the rest of our lives.
2. Thank you so much to each one of you who joined us in this trip. As I said, we are more than just friends. We are all part of this beautiful family called #winelover-s.
3. A big hug (and also thanks for the support with your “likes”) to all of YOU who wanted to come but that, for one reason or another, couldn’t join us. YOU were dearly missed (YOU know who YOU are).
4. Finally, thank you very much to IVBAM (Instituto do Vinho, do Bordado e do Artesanato da Madeira) and to all the producers who opened their doors (and hearts!) to us with incredible tastings and visits.
I hope to #SeeYouInMadeira many many times in the future.

To many more wonderful celebrations to come!
🙂 + 🍷❤️🥂 = 😄
Luiz Alberto, founder of the #winelover community.

Long live the #winelover community!!!