Hey there my beautiful, lovely #winelover family! For some time now I have been wondering about the preferences of our group of wine aficionados in terms of planning their wine-related trips. As I hope that next year we will have many more opportunities to travel, I would very much like to ask you to take some time to answer this… Read more →
Category: Polls

Who is the most stylish #winelover in our community?
Picture by Fabien Laine during the Adegga Summer Wine Market 2013 The stylish wars: Vote for the most stylish #winelover in our community. Style may refer to: Fashion, a prevailing mode of expression, e.g., clothing Human physical appearance Hairstyle The way someone holds a glass or bottle of wine… or something else… Celebrating and promoting the ambassadors of the… Read more →

The new #winelover t-shirt. Please help us choose!
You all helped to select the hashtags we’re going to have on our new t-shirt… now it’s time to decide on the style… We have 4 different ones to choose from. The big picture is to show the hashtags in more detail. The 3 correspondent t-shirts below show how the t-shirt will actually look like. >>>>>>> 1 <<<<<<<… Read more →

New t-shirt poll. Vote now!
[socialpoll id=”2198033″] You can suggest any #…lover (e.g. #brunellolover) that you want. Please use the comment box below to do so. Read more →