Category: Uncategorized

Round UP: Quick Death for weeds, slow and painful death for you.
Dear #winelover community, In October we started the #winelover against cancer campaign to raise awareness for breast cancer, now in November we are supporting the #Movember campaign raising awareness for prostate cancer. I think they are both great initiatives and it’s amazing how much support we are getting throughout our #winelover community with these causes. However, as an organic wine… Read more →

To Scandy with wine
The #winelover community now have specialists, we evolve as a community! My speciality is Wine & Archaeology, as I am a winelover but also an archaeologist. Being a specialist I think we should be used. Hence, I challenge my fellow #winelover specialist colleagues to share a post or posts on their speciality on this webpage. This article is on wine &… Read more →

#NemeaWineTour2014 teaser
In June 2014, 10 wine bloggers from all over the world visited Nemea, one of the most famous wine-producing zones in Greece, on a journey to discover its wines, cuisine, natural beauty and hospitality. This is a small teaser of the full video diary of their amazing experience. Our host ( Ted Lelekas, left ) + the great… Read more →

#winelovers at the #WBIS – Wine Business Innovation Summit 2013
#WBIS 2013 #WBIS – The first edition of the Wine Business Innovation Summit was held on Saturday 19th January attracting figures from across the globe #WBIS took the world of wine by storm. A new type of event, #WBIS combined highly interesting discussions and round-tables with a spotlight for wine business start-ups and a free tasting and networking event. The first… Read more →

#winelover week @ Umbria
Umbria for #WineLovers/2013 – The official program By Luiz Alberto, Lotte Karolina Gabrovits, Andre Ribeirinho – Co-Hosted with Patrick Farrell MD MW “#Valentines day is #winelover’s day! Ok… give us a second…how to start: WOW! The event that comes up on Valentines day 2013 will be a truly special one… so, it would be a real pleasure for us… Read more →