Open letter to the Sommeliers Choice Awards

Open letter to the Sommeliers Choice Awards:

Fellow members of the Sommeliers Choice Awards,

Yesterday I found out via a posting on Facebook that I was included on your “Top Wine Influencers In 2019 You Need to Pay Attention To.”

So let me start where I should: Thank you very very much for including me.

This was greatly appreciated. However, my first thought (and actually, my first comment on the post) was that I didn’t deserve to be part of a list that include incredible figures of the wine industry, such as @Conrad & Drew Lambert (The Wine Wankers), Jancis RobinsonJulien MiquelJon ThorsenJessica AltieriKelly A. MitchellJeff KralikTim Atkin MWJulie Brosterman, and Jamie Goode (to name just the ten “stars” ahead of me — as you know, I was nominated #11). 
Here’s the full list:…/top-wine-influencers-i…

At any rate, this is my plead to have my name replaced by “#winelovercommunity.” They (in fact, we) are the ones who really deserve it. If it’s true that I should be on your list, it’s only because I have the amazing support of thousands of people. Thousands of people who love wine and that support this incredible community.

Thank you in advance,
Luiz Alberto, founder of the #winelover community.

Long live the #winelover community!!!