#winelover tasting notes
Vintage – 2012
Variety – everybody who loves wine
Body – a strong, connected community that expresses itself through open minded social media and “real life” conversations and events
Color – red, white, rosé… all races, faiths, and nationalities
Terroir – soil rich in wine knowledge and story sharing, with roots around the globe
Nose – powerful sense of open social interaction, spreading wine love and interest
Mouth – English is our language. In an effort to be a truly open community, involving as many people as possible, this is the language our community uses for all postings
Style – soft and generous. Interesting conversations among fellow #winelovers, so please share your experiences. However, please be aware this is not a forum for spam or posting “link only” articles.
Our community exists to promote the love of wine through digital media, social and educational events, as well as a wide array of information sharing. Come one, come all, to share your food pairings, tasting notes, blog posts, and web articles. Invite your friends, family, neighbors, and workmates. And make sure you attend a #winelover hangout when one happens near to you. It’s an amazing experience that may change your #life!
We are people from around the world sharing a passion.for.wine, invested in social media to facilitate greater communication, education, and promote wine based business for all facets of the wine industry, from vineyard to glass.
Join us… Enjoy us… Walk on the wine side!