Tag: greece

A day in Athens! #SeeYouInGreece

#BYOB – 4th anniversary of the #winelover community Athens, Greece
Ted Lelekas Athens, Greece-based wine journalist, blogger, educator and consultant; #winelover; Certified Pro Olive Oil Expert; passionate about food and wine tourism; dedicated to sharing amazing experiences with a growing audience in Greece and beyond. www.telegourmet.org – https://www.facebook.com/TedLelekas; – @ted_lelekas Read more →

Nemea Wine Tour 2014 the Movie
Nemea Wine Tour 2014 took place earlier this year in June, organized by Ted Lelekas (a great #winelover and ambassador of Greek wines) and some great wine producers. Greece make some tremendous wines and some countries should be envious of it’s diversity and richness of grape varieties. This is what this great short 25 minutes movie plans to reveal you. 4 intense days, 29… Read more →