Cathy Huyghe
Cathy believes that wine is a pleasure and a treat, and that it wants to be enjoyed.
She also believes that wine is mysterious and powerful, and that it wants to be respected.
That’s the balance she tries to strike in the stories she tells about wine. Respect on one hand, pleasure on the other. The work of it on one hand, and the love of it on the other.
She believes there’s an awful lot that’s bubbling under the surface of wine. Certainly she encourages enjoying wine simply and only for the pleasure of it full stop. She also believes that wine offers us a lifeline to learn more — if we want to learn more — about human relationships, market forces, historical impact, innovative technology, and political sway. If we want it to be, wine can be the lens through which we better understand all of those things.
Her writing is inspired by journalists and authors she has long admired. Their influence isn’t a straight line or even detectable, necessarily, in her own storytelling; it’s more that their example has shown her how to write, how to describe, which questions to ask, how to stop the chatter, and how to get down to the real matter. May Sarton. Molly O’Neill. Christiane Amanpour. Rabia Roberts. Eudora Welty. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati. Thomas Merton. They are (or were) brave and sane, their stories are relevant to issues we face every day, and they also nudge us a few ticks closer to the truth.
That is her approach and her goal, and she comes closest to achieving it when she listens. And then listens harder, so that she can tell.
Stay in touch with Cathy:
Twitter: @cathyhuyghe
Website: – Writes for and
Picture by Christine Sperry.